A downloadable straike for Windows


This is Straike.

A very bad game made with my own bad game engine in c++.

When running the game it will shows dialogs to ask you to start the client and after that another dialog asking to start the server. If you just want to play alone press yes on start client and yes on start server (this will start server locally like minecraft singleplayer)

The new update turns it kind of into an actual game. There are 3 maps now (fun,runes,blizzard) and 4 weapons (ak103,deagle,m31,l115a3)


1,2,3,4,0Select weapon
F2Open ingame console
Einteract (goldsrc style)
V (hold)
voicechat (with 90s quality)
left mouse
shoot shoot
Escapeinstantly close game
wasdwasdlkjhbjom  n,

Using the ingame console

click on the enter specification textbox and type ls and press enter to list all changeable stuff. I will list some examples for all the data types

its important to add a semicolon at end

to change INT gfx_texlinear=0;  this will turn off texture filtering

to change FLOAT gfx_res=0.5; this will change the game resolution (ranges 0.1-2.0)

to change VEC3 cl_vmoffset=-1,0,0; moves your viewmodel to the right

Starting & Connecting to a server

To start a headless server press no on start client and yes on start server. But using the server the local client started also woks perfectly fine. To setup your server open game.txt change the port to whatever suits you and then portforward it. The ip property is what your buddies need to change to connect to your server (can be a domain or ipv4 (i cant confirm ipv6 support)) they also need to change the port property to the same as yours to connect.  Enjoy your buggy, unfinished and (sometimes) crashy experience!

there is a chance that this game wont even open up on certain intel and amd gpus i didnt really test it on different machines. If it does error please share the shader errors from the console



straike281023.zip 53 MB

Development log


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RiNG MY FAX MACHiNE +51 6801995827 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ffdxdfsdfdc



It just works


thanx for testing : -)